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ok so this scales nicely to my rgcube on android, so i would like to ask if it was possible to add controller support and to hide on-sceen controls?

Controller support is something I plan to add, I'll have the game automatically hide the mobile UI if it detects controller input

Hello, sorry, it's me again, I'm stuck at this point, I don't know what to do, I do the puzzle in front of me, there is a girl who looks after me, who I try to catch to see if there is any interaction, but nothing, and she won't let me go in front, and nothing more. There are two bodies, I have already done everything, please help

Go back into town and move right

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?? Could you be a little more specific?

Interact with one of the bodies in the forest floor then go back to that area and he won't be blocking the way 

Where exactly is the body?

They're on the ground

How do you even get there? I am so lost rn.

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Hey multby6 i pas the fountain thank you and i found some glitch od the demon mask ,the demon mask can fly higher  than the iron bridge (when not down yet ) hope you respond soon ! :D I need help with the puzzle 2 in abandoned town too 

It's not a glitch it's an intentional feature for those who figure it out or want to skip the rock puzzle, the guide also tells you about how to solve the second puzzle, go to the library in town for the solution

Hi, multby6 found a soft crash. In the first area of PlainsForest (leafy and wooded area), when it asks me to jump so that the succubus can catch me, I stay down and can't go up, but if I go back out and come back in, it follows me and if I jump, it catches me. but it brings me back without letting me advance through the ravine, it helps (oh and every time I get stuck they take coins from me)

Hi! Very confused what you mean by this report honestly haha. If you fall she is supposed to bring you back and carry you. To have her pick you up you need to spam jump while standing still and she'll carry you then you need to move across the area and jump to have her let you go. I haven't ever had a crash report in that area, what you're describing sounds intentional since the player loses coins if they fall down.

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Multby6 your game is so good but the fountain path i think it a to get to next map

?(or can someone help me )

There is an in game guide on the title screen under the help options! I would check there for assistance!

how do I access the gallery??

It's an option on the title screen


Hello! This is the best NSFW game I have ever played! The amount of content is insane. I am currently on version 0.82 and want to know, in which scene does the pnis dtach from the boy and how do I find Rosie (the tanuki girl) in the forest?

Thank you so much I'm glad you like it! I'm not sure which scene the penis is detached from the body as for Rosie she is found in the first room of the bamboo forest

I have a bug with the tower of dreams and there is a girl called gargle And when I enter his dream everything appears black, even his animation is not seen and I cannot see what the world is like. 

Что дальше?

Go back into the bamboo forest and get the bunny mask.

I'm now past the well where the two dead bodies are lying and these plants are moving but I can't find a way to get any further, what happens next?

Go to the left and push the minecart with the correct ore into the cart you can also ride along the tracks to find hidden areas

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<img src="<a href=""></a>"> not there but behind the castle

Go back into town and move to the right


Where I can find Timber?

She's a gallery exclusive girl

Thank you


Where can I get a new mask?


You can get several masks throughout the game, which are you looking for?

(1 edit) (-1)

I currently have a fox, rabbit, demon,pig, robe and a ghost face.

The frog mask is in the third room of the swamp walk all the way to the right side of the room then go left


A review of the current state of Succubus Hunt.

Succubus hunt is a sides scroller/puzzle where you play as...I don't think the protagonist has been given a name so let's call him Hubert. No reason I just like the name (This post will be edited if he has a name I missed) and his wisp companion Willow after the world has been invaded and fallen into ruin from Succubus.

It can also be played with only one hand, and we can all agree that's a big benefit.


Honestly the story is just that above. Even with some choices and reveals latter on the story isn't the deepest thing, it's mostly character interactions. There is a single choice that might affect the outcome and it depends on your feelings on a temporary companion, but just incase I'll put that in the spoiler section.

Some might find this annoying as they want a 'grand complex narrative' and while I put that in quotations to be a snarky asshole, I can agree that a complex narrative is always appreciated but too many games and stories have tried to be overly complex and paid the price. While there is more going on in the lore of the world, the story is rather straightforward and honestly.

That's weirdly refreshing.


As said it's a side scroller and a bit of a platformer, with light puzzles. Nothing two difficult as you have to avoid the succubus that want to drain you. You get 3 to 5 chances (an extra 2 can be purchased from an infrequent shop that's not all that expensive) and if you run out game over, with a little written section at the end where you see how Hubert turned out.

There's a grand total of 2 'boss' sections that shouldn't take two long. One just requries running and pressing the W ket, and the is on an on rails section that the game tells you how to get to. So you know you/Hubert should listen to that.

I might not have a handful of times...

Hubert also gains a lot of mask that affect his abilities. From the rabbit mask which makes you sprint and jump faster and to to the pig mask which lets you do a side quest

This can get annoying because to cycle through them you need to hold w and then press shift, and no you can do them at the same time. There's also the fact that you need to cycle through each mask in order if you want to get to the correct one. 

Minor complaints but a mask wheel or some feature would be appreciated. (or just not forcing me to hold W no matter what I make the keybind, I hate that so much.)

 oh on the topic keybinds. Disappointingly you can only mess with run, jump, and mask (with one button hardlocked annoyingly) not a deal breaker for me because the keys are fine enough, and those 3 things are what you want anyway.

Back to the actual game there are sidequest in this game. Nothing to hard most are just getting things for people, but a handful are unique like the pig herding. 

There's also the completely optional dream towers that you can visit for special girls. Nothing forces you there, it's an entirely optional thing when you get the key. Just to go back and visit all of them.


Well there's you Hubert our main character who has to go through this, He also has a tendency to get hooked on monster pussy in the bad endings which isn't always the worst end.

Willow our wisp who wants to help us, she also alerts us of monsters and keeps track of our general well being. Like a mom only like small and without the incest implications of that one scene.


The game is marked with out lovely wizard Astral who shows up whenever you get her coins [Note no you can note use the coins you find everywhere, you need the G-Coins]. These coins are used to unlock the scenes in the gallery, and in any order. From the current end game to the first enemy you can unlock them all if you play her game, listen to her dialogue, and find dem coins

all the of the monster girls have a little bit of writing and personality themselves. Not the most deep thing, but for a genre where the monster girls are either totally only about draining or lovey dovey it's nice to get some with a few personalities. 

And by a few there's like 80 girls or such so far got a lot to pick from.


So let's talk Umbra. Umbra is the other character I mentioned above where you have to make a choice to condem all the monsters or try to stop them from being sent back. Umbra was one of the beginning monsters, but after a section where you help each other out you leave on decent terms. 

Personally, I enjoy Umbra, so you can imagine what I chose.


I only encountered 1. If you hide while under the water the game locks you in place. You might ask why I did that, but it was a misinput and I found I had to redo the area.

Several times.

It was the only bug I encountered, so I can't complain much, but it is worth noting.


Succubus Hunt is worth the price of 5 dollars, maybe even 10.  While not the longest game I've played, I think it ran some 4 ish hours, it knows not to overstay it's welcome. Barring the puzzle in fallen forest (3,1,2,4 how I do not get the hint and I wish I did but I brute forced it) it's an enjoyable game. It doesn't overstay it's welcome and it's only 80% done. 

I need to stress this game was made in what is almost a years time and if all goes correct from the end screen will be done by december. For a first project to come out this soon and be this good its nothing short of commendable. If you want an inexpensive porn game that doesn't waste your time and is enjoyable to boot you can't get better than this one. 

Current state of the game 4/5 stars, I'll rate if officially when it fully comes out. I look forward to any future products of Multby6


Lovely review! If the last two updates bump the total run time up to 5ish hours or so I'll have achieved my goal! I never intended for the game to get this big, so to receive 4/5 stars is something I'm so grateful for! v1.0 is expected to have 100 girls in total I'm very eager to hear what people have to say about the final product once it's completed!


puzzle 3,1,2,4 is not working help me  :(


Are you at the first or second fountain puzzle?


second fountain puzzle :(

check the in game guide!

Even though the guide says 3, 1, 2, 4, it still doesn't work when I try it. what should I do :(


Please help me, I dont really understand what needs to be done at the night swamp loc. Climp up those leaves using logs? Idk... I tried for like 15 minutes, but left it unsolved, desperate and sad :(

You need to climb up the logs on the waterfall, I recommend using the orc mask. You can jump on the leaves between the waterfalls. v0.9 will make it more obvious you can jump there

The orc masc? I've thought it aloows to move heavy objects and tried to use the rabbit mask..

I FKIN did it!!

Are you going to start doing a translation into Spanish? 


Because people like me who speak Spanish don't really understand what the characters are saying and that, with the translation into Spanish, would help us a lot. 

I don't have plans to translate the game into spanish at the moment, perhaps once it's released, although it depends on how well it does.

How do you get this character?


She's a dream tower girl

i got a problem i just brought this game and cant download it on to the app and when i try to download it manual i got and error and it did not work


What error did you get?

Hey I got a question. I just obtained the frog mask and am at the sign where they teach me how to dive. When down there I can go back up using the vines. But it seems like I am supposed to go right through the water? But I keep being teleported back when I do so (even when wearing the frog mask). I also can't go back from where I came from all the way. So I am stuck. Is this just the end of the current version? 

You can progress you need to swim around the spikes in the water!

Even though I lit all the lanterns in the bamboo forest, I haven't obtained the bunny mask. Where should I find the bunny mask?

It's in the chest in the room with the kobolds

Have you thought about making the game free for a day so people can enjoy your game? or would that ruin the game's sales? I'm just saying for the people who can't enjoy your game

or if not you can put a demo version or something like that 

I will consider making a short free demo when the game is complete. I'm not going to make the entire game free because it discounts those who support my work and the hundreds of hours I spent on the project.

And what version do you say will be the end of the game? 1.0? 

Yes v1.0 will be the end of the game!

We have two more versions left to enjoy:D


How do i get in there?

You can't it's an easter egg




I don't have money 🥲


Where is the other way? 


Follow the signs advice!


Can U make a full game on YouTube?

Hey i was wondering how i could use a "thing" that the merchant gave me after i responded to 3 questions, he said something about a slime but i dont know what to do with it

Walk to the area where you met the first blue slime in the plains area!

I am also having issues extracting the file for the new update. I don't know what winrar is. Can someone walk me through the steps to get the new update sucessfully extracted?

You can download the application for free online. After you install it you right click on the file and click "Extract Here" 

Why can't i cross the cliff in the lush biome thingy

Umbra always puts me back in place

You need her to carry you across, to do that jump repeatedly while standing still, and she'll pick you up!


Wow the new update is amazing ! I don't like too much the scene where pnis is distached from the boy, but others are really great. The new features are funny to use aswell, great job !

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it <3


the game doesn't extract and comes up with an error whenever I try to. Any solutions?

What is the error message you get? You need to use winrar to extract the file!


Thank you, had the same issue when using win11's built-in extractor ("Error: 0x8096002A: No error description available."), but using winrar instead worked perfectly. Maybe you could add a note telling people to use winrar if they're having trouble extracting to the page?


how do i get past the part where you dive into the water on the marked spot. it keeps resetting me like i fell out the map


nevermind i figured it out

Deleted 196 days ago

im having an issue where if i press q or w i teleport to a new area and I cant change masks i tired a new save but it did not help

Download the latest version of the game I just patched this!


You can transfer data from the previous version to this new one on mobile (android)

(1 edit) (+1)

if you are waring the new mask and press down under water you become unable to move and have to leave the game and restart from last save

Looking into this now, thank you :D

I patched this out! Thank you for pointing this out to me!

hey, (sorry for my english) im stuck at the dream tower after the marchant give me the key i do some dream but i didnt do anything et now i cant dream again, when im comeback in the cave i cant go in the alternative past. Can you help me?

Hi! I would check the in game guide on the title screen! Go to options, then general, then guide!


hey bro, How do I get past the floating island plane part? I've already tried pressing everything and it didn't work (android)

you hold left while in the plane or you can interact with the sign to skip the section


Hey there! Pretty sure I missed something - what should I press to change mask, and how can I push a rock? Thank you!


I'm keeping this up if someone gets stuck like I was. Hold Up and then Shift while remaining still. You can only push rocks with this mask on:

Hi sorry! There should've been a textbox when you got the bunny mask that teaches you how to change masks you need to press up and shift while standing still and you're grounded!


Exactly, I loaded up an older save and found it! I just missed some time playing the game and forgot haha

Also cheers for actively replying to even the silliest of comments like mine <3 keep up the good work!

No worries I'm happy to help out wherever I can! Thank you so much and no comment is too silly for a response! >:0


When is version 0.8 coming out for this platform? (Sorry for my English, I'm practicing) 

Your English is great! And likely the 20th!


OK thanks  

is the game for macbook

It's for windows and Android

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Did anyone pass this, I need some tips pls.


solo sigue a Willow dónde sea que vaya, ella es tu guía para salvarte de cerberus

Deleted 190 days ago

8.0 when?


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