Eventhough I read the guide still don't know how to pass this fountain puzzle someone please explain me with very simple guide I literally stuck for a week now
You press the lever on the first fountain you see, then the lever on the second fountain, then SKIP the third fountain, then press the lever on the fourth fountain, then go back and press the lever on the third fountain
You can find her in the first mushroom area using the frog mask on the glowing green mushroom if you need more hints investigate the books in the mushroom dream tower!
Why not charge more for bonus content for 1.1v? Unfortunately not alot of people might not have access to steam/pc. Just a question and I do love the game btw. I hope you continue making games.
That's fair! I may make it DLC here one day. Most of the content only works on steam though, cloud saves, achievements, etc. It'd only be 5 or so girls added to the game anyhow so it would be a low-priced DLC since players wouldn't be getting all the goodies the steam version has.
No! v1.0 will be the last update here, v1.1 will be the last official version and will be exclusively available on Steam with some optional/bonus content. The main story will conclude with v1.0 though!
Yes, a few bonus characters just for those looking to support the game the extra mile as well as achievements, cloud saves, other features that only really work on that platform. Those who paid here still get the 100 girls I promised just a few extra ones are only available on the steam version.
SO I've reached the part in the Autumn Forest where I need to click the four levers in the right order right after meeting Umbra at the fountain. She said check the town, but I'm not sure where I need to look to find the solution. Any clues?
Hmmm I do enjoy the idea of players unlocking it as they play, plus it gives value to the money you collect in game. You can ride the minecart a few times to farm coins and convert them into gcoins!
No it's just a cute detail, it works with the bunnies if you have the bunny masks and the pigs with the pig mask. You're also immune to certain girls while wearing the mask like the fox girl with the fox mask, etc
This was a really good and enjoyable time. I would highly recommend most of the game so far. Only gripes are the mushroom bounce pads felt really janky and were way easier to activate by accident than intentionally, which wasn't a real problem until the chaining mushroom jumps section, and the ninja grapple chain room needs like a rage quit "skip the room" option if you fall a ton because compared to it the Red Day section was a breeze. I also got a little lost on the plot at the very beginning and at the start of the ninja section, even at the end of that section i wasn't sure why Teena was now assisting/testing me.
You need to press the jump button but don't move left or right when you're against the wall, this section will be made easier in v1.0 which will release in December
Yo so Im at the Fall Forest or red forest and im softlocked at the scene where you find meena again like i just cant go to the next screen it wont let me so like am I doing something wrong? should i restart?
Hi I in a another country and in my country us currency is top high so plz let me know if you going to make free when you are. Done with finishing the game ok
← Return to game
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Here to humbly and formally request controller support! (assuming it has not been implemented already)
Controller should be functional in v1.0! (I can only test it on xbox controllers so not sure if it'll work with other types :P)
Yipeeee. I find platforming with a controller much more enjoyable than mouse/keyboard so thanks
Eventhough I read the guide still don't know how to pass this fountain puzzle someone please explain me with very simple guide I literally stuck for a week now
You press the lever on the first fountain you see, then the lever on the second fountain, then SKIP the third fountain, then press the lever on the fourth fountain, then go back and press the lever on the third fountain
when is the next update going to come out?
later this december!
how do you get through the forest?
follow the instructions of the sign in the forest
thank you very much
Where can I find Myri? Or she is only in the Gallery?
You can find her in the first mushroom area using the frog mask on the glowing green mushroom if you need more hints investigate the books in the mushroom dream tower!
One question, how can I get past the swamp part, I just can't get past it.
PD: I love your game and successful launch on steam :)
Hi! You first have to go up the logs, you can jump on the green branches as well using the orc mask!
Why not charge more for bonus content for 1.1v? Unfortunately not alot of people might not have access to steam/pc. Just a question and I do love the game btw. I hope you continue making games.
That's fair! I may make it DLC here one day. Most of the content only works on steam though, cloud saves, achievements, etc. It'd only be 5 or so girls added to the game anyhow so it would be a low-priced DLC since players wouldn't be getting all the goodies the steam version has.
How am i supposed to reach up there? tried many times but its just impossible
It's just an easter egg you're not supposed to go up there
oh ok thx
easter egg ??? bruh i did go there its ez but noting hapeen
Do you have a screenshot?
so is the game complete?
No! v1.0 will be the last update here, v1.1 will be the last official version and will be exclusively available on Steam with some optional/bonus content. The main story will conclude with v1.0 though!
ok thanks and good luck but will you make a new game
Yeah I will!
by bonus content do you mean more characters or stuff. cause if thats the case it would suck that i would have to buy the game again to see them
Yes, a few bonus characters just for those looking to support the game the extra mile as well as achievements, cloud saves, other features that only really work on that platform. Those who paid here still get the 100 girls I promised just a few extra ones are only available on the steam version.
SO I've reached the part in the Autumn Forest where I need to click the four levers in the right order right after meeting Umbra at the fountain. She said check the town, but I'm not sure where I need to look to find the solution. Any clues?
The library has the solution, that or you could check the guide on the title screen for the answer!
Quick question,Will u add something that opens the whole gallery without spend gcoins or make it open when u beat the game in the last update?
Hmmm I do enjoy the idea of players unlocking it as they play, plus it gives value to the money you collect in game. You can ride the minecart a few times to farm coins and convert them into gcoins!
Does the fox following me in FallForest have anything to do with the plot?
No it's just a cute detail, it works with the bunnies if you have the bunny masks and the pigs with the pig mask. You're also immune to certain girls while wearing the mask like the fox girl with the fox mask, etc
How can I find all the herbs for Doe in which areas?
They're all in the orange area after you exit the cave and there is one or two in the fall forest
Finish the game now, bro, it's over at the best part!
v1.0 will be out in a week or two!
please we all want mooore like v2.25
It's in the rocky beach area in a chest by the first dream tower!
Potential softlock? Reached the part that requires a fox mask to bounce across. Tried back tracking but I hit a wall.
V 0.9
It's not required to progress you can use the orc mask to pass that area
Someone help me with the toad part every time it enters the water it brings me back to land
You have to avoid the spikes in the water, they're bright-looking thorns, swim around them and you'll be safe!
This was a really good and enjoyable time. I would highly recommend most of the game so far. Only gripes are the mushroom bounce pads felt really janky and were way easier to activate by accident than intentionally, which wasn't a real problem until the chaining mushroom jumps section, and the ninja grapple chain room needs like a rage quit "skip the room" option if you fall a ton because compared to it the Red Day section was a breeze. I also got a little lost on the plot at the very beginning and at the start of the ninja section, even at the end of that section i wasn't sure why Teena was now assisting/testing me.
i cant find the third plane part am i missing somthing
Try and back track to the first area after you hop off the hot air balloon
This game is amazing i play this game to ending of 0.9 demo, and i found secret zone, show preview the next update.
(i like the far right one)
What do I have to do here
Flick the lever. Once you're behind the barrier you use Umbra to flick the lever behind you.
Umbra×Player Character (i forgot his name) they'd make a cute couple.
PC×Witch Girl (she's hilarious)
All ships are valid! :]
How do i unlock the scenes in the gallery
Get gallery coins hidden across the world
Sigma clan 😭🤣
Sigma clan rise up
Where i can find the h scene Astra
It's a secret you can view the h-scene in the gallery otherwise
How do I complete the puzzle?
Check the in game guide on the title screen in the settings
What can i do
Experiencing a bug where I can't move at all when starting a new save. Tutorial movement works fine though. Apk version 0.9
Yea not sure how to progress in the nightswamp with the logs...
Jump on the logs and go up and to the right
Can someone tell me how to do a wall jump using ninja costume im stuck
You need to press the jump button but don't move left or right when you're against the wall, this section will be made easier in v1.0 which will release in December
Where I find Astra for h scene?
It's a secret, you can buy her h-scene in the gallery
Move back to where you bought the mask and go right
I found it by accident, is there any way I can get to it? I have no idea
One question, how did you get there, I still can't get past the Sigma clan village like you did, can you please explain in detail?
No there is no way to get there it's an Easter egg
Yo so Im at the Fall Forest or red forest and im softlocked at the scene where you find meena again like i just cant go to the next screen it wont let me so like am I doing something wrong? should i restart?
You need to go back into town it's not a soft lock it's just that is the end of that area
Hi I in a another country and in my country us currency is top high so plz let me know if you going to make free when you are. Done with finishing the game ok
The game isn't going to be made free
Que se hace en la parte del bosque para avanzar no encuentro ningun cartel q me diga q tengo q hacer y Umbra solo me devuelve al inicio
Hay un cartel que dice VOLVER cuando lo veas dar marcha atrás. Está en la habitación con la chica serpiente.
How to fly
How do you fast travel i want tk return to the forest for the blue slime thingy
You need to buy the fast travel mask from the merchant in the sigma clan outpost/town
Hmmm no I haven't planned for a new game plus maybe I'll add it on the steam version of the game!
what do i do after this part i have reloaded the save but nothing changed what should I do?
Ride the minecart down the track
Thanks for the response. I noticed I kinda blitzed past a sign so I read it and felt stupid.
YO dev you cooked this game keep up the good work and hope you have a good day bro
hope we see more games of yours after succubus hunt
Thank you so much! I did my best! I'm so glad you liked it :D